Mar 2020
Mar 2020
International Bank for Economic Co-operation performed as one of the leading organizers of a syndicated loan for the Uzbek bank Asaka. Credit resources in the amount of 100 million euro were provided for a year and a half to finance foreign trade contracts of IBEC member states. IBEC acts as an organizer of syndication in partnership with Alfabank and AK Bars Bank and provides 12 million euro.
Feb 2020
Feb 2020
International Bank for Economic Co-operation has disclosed its financial results in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards with an auditor’s report for the past year.
Feb 2020
Feb 2020
The International Bank for Economic Co-operation and Golomt bank (Mongolia) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. It is aimed at developing a «green economy» and denotes joint plans of financial institutions to finance environmental projects in Mongolia, IBEC member states and regions of Bank’s presence.
Jan 2020
Jan 2020
International rating agency Moody’s Investors Service Ltd. (Moody’s) has assigned a first-time «Baa3» foreign currency long-term issuer rating to the International Bank for Economic Co-operation (IBEC) with the stable outlook. This is the second investment level rating obtained by the bank after the start of the implementation of the updated development strategy and new business profile. In March 2017, Fitch Ratings assigned a long-term rating of BBB-, with a stable outlook, and a short-term rating of F3.
Information for Media