Oct 2019
Oct 2019
The International Bank for Economic Co-operation continues its active policy of supporting economic cooperation in the Eastern European region. At the end of September, two more trade finance transactions with Belagroprombank were implemented. Their total amount is about 1.1 million euros with the comfortable for participating companies period of 1 year.
Sep 2019
Sep 2019
IBEC for the first time acted as a reimbursing bank under a letter of credit of Golomt Bank (Mongolia). The pilot transaction is being implemented under the Agreement, signed in June this year by IBEC Chairman Denis Ivanov and President of Golomt bank Ganbold Galsan, and is aimed at facilitating the procurement of automotive components from Japan to Mongolia.
Sep 2019
Sep 2019
IBEC has implemented another set of trade finance deals with Belagroprombank, one of its largest partners in the banking sector of the Republic of Belarus.
Sep 2019
Sep 2019
The International Bank for Economic Co-operation has begun the practical implementation of transactions for the development of international factoring. The first deal was closed on September 11th. IBEC provided financing to the National Factoring Company (NFC) Bank for the implementation of export factoring operations under a contract for the supply of Russian metallurgical products to Poland. It is noteworthy that the launch of a new product for the Bank goes in line with the support of foreign trade between the countries participating in the Bank, one of the key components of the IBEC mandate.
Information for Media