Implementation date2021
VolumeEUR 5 mln
Field of activitySDGs-aligned financing
- IBEC took part in the placement of bonds of the Romanian company Autonom, specializing in car leasing, fleet management, short-term car rental. The Bank acquired more than 10% of the issue, becoming one of the key investors in the issued securities. The EUR 48 million issue is the first part of Autonom's five-year EUR 250 million corporate bond program. This is a sustainability-linked bond aimed at pursuing environmentally-friendly growth. Autonom raises funds to ensure business development which is consistent with decarbonisation objectives of European Union countries. The mid-term plan envisages expanding the vehicle fleet and reducing carbon emissions by 25% by 2025 and by 51% by 2030. This is the first sustainability-linked bond issue on the Romanian local market, demonstrating new corporate standards in line with the EU environmental agenda.