ClientTatra banka
Implementation date2021
Field of activitySDG aligned financing
- The Bank has invested in green bonds of one of the largest banks in Slovakia, Tatra banka, a member of the Raiffeisen banking group. This is a debut green issue of Tatra banka, and its proceeds for a total volume of EUR 300 million will be used to finance projects in Slovakia and other EU countries, providing for a positive environmental impact (""Eligible Green Loans""). The bonds were issued in compliance with the Green Bond Principles of the International Capital Market Association, and contribute to the country’s implementation of Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030, mandated by the European Union (EU) for each of its member states. The maturity of bonds is 7 years, coupon rate – 0.5%. The demand for the deal was significant, not to the least extent due to the participation of international development banks. According to the arrangers, successful bond placement will contribute to the development of the European market of green financial instruments.