The Bank has a two-tier corporate governance structure in place, with the Council as the highest governing body performing general management of the Bank's activities, and the Management Board as an executive body directly managing the operational activities of the Bank within the powers granted to it by the Statutes and in accordance with the decisions of the Council.
The Council and the Management Board of the Bank consist of representatives of all member countries of the Bank. Members of the IBEC Council are appointed by the governments of the member countries of the Bank. The Management Board consists of the Chairman and Members of the Management Board, appointed from citizens of all member countries of the Bank. In order to have the Bank’s activities periodically audited, the IBEC has an Audit Committee, a collegial body accountable to the Council. The work of the Management Board is supported by specialised committees.
The Bank has specialised collegial bodies in place that report to the Management Board:
  • Asset, Liability and Risks Committee. The Asset, Liability and Risks Committee is responsible for implementing the IBEC’s strategy in terms of asset, liability and risk management as well as current and long-term liquidity.
  • Credit Committee. The Credit Committee’s responsibility is generally to ensure that the IBEC continues to expand its credit activities. This committee reviews and approves credit and trade finance facilities.
  • Budget Committee. The Budget Committee has the mandate to review proposed IBEC budgets, including general and administrative cost estimates, capital expenditure estimates, as well as budget execution reports and proposed amendments to the existing budget.
  • Strategic Development Committee. The Strategic Development Committee supports the Management Board in formulating and implementing the Bank’s strategy for a planning horizon. This committee also reviews new strategic initiatives aimed at expanding and improving the Bank’s business profile.
  • Procurement Committee. The Procurement Committee ensures that IBEC procurement decisions are transparent, well-timed and balanced in terms of prices, delivery dates, quality and guarantees.
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