May 2020
May 2020
On May 18, 2020, the Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA) announced that the International Bank for Economic Co-operation was assigned a credit rating on the international scale — A- with a stable outlook and AAA (RU) on the national scale for the Russian Federation, with a stable outlook. In accordance with the national ACRA rating scale, AAA (RU) is the highest rating for the Russian Federation.
Apr 2020
Apr 2020
International Bank for Economic Co-operation implements its mandate to support international trade despite the pandemic crisis, which has spread not only throughout the territory of the Bank’s member states but has grown into a global planetary threat. In conditions of a forced reduction in business activity, the breakdown of supply chains and production and trade relations, maintenance and financial support for existing contracts are crucial. Now the priority statutory tasks of IBEC as a multilateral development institution focused on the development of international trade have become especially relevant for the economies of all member states of the Bank, for all our partners and customers, including partners from third countries. Active promotion of a&...
Apr 2020
Apr 2020
Today, the whole world, all human civilization has faced a global threat that has jeopardized the usual way of life, prevailing business practices, our personal plans and social prospects. The joint efforts of political leaders, governments, business community, and international organizations are aimed at countering the pandemic, minimizing economic, social, humanitarian losses and the following early recovery of the normal functioning of our common home — planet Earth.
Mar 2020
Mar 2020
On March 11, 2020 Fitch Ratings-London has revised the Outlook on International Bank for Economic Co-operation (IBEC), namely: Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) to Positive from Stable and affirmed the IDR at «BBB-». IBEC’s Short-Term IDR has been affirmed at «F3».
Information for Media