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Jun 2017
IBEC Supports the Russian-Polish Business Cooperation
The International Bank for Economic Co-Operation (IBEC) acted as a partner of the Euroreception, a joint event of the Polish diplomatic mission, the Polish Business Club and the Association of European Businesses (AEB), which was held on 21 June 2017 at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Moscow and was devoted to the topical issues of economic cooperation of European countries.
Jun 2017
The delegation of the International Bank for Economic Co-operation (“IBEC”) headed by Mrs. Irina Golovchenko, Chairman of the Board, made a working visit to the Republic of Poland on 13 and 14 June 2017.
Jun 2017
IBEC and the Government of the Republic of Bashkorto­stan signed the Memo­randum on cooperation in reconst­ruction of the International Ufa Airport
On June 1, 2017, as a part of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2017 the Memorandum on Cooperation in the implementation of the project “Reconstruction of the domestic air lines air-terminal complex of JSC Ufa International Airport” was signed between the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the International Bank for Economic Co-Operation (IBEC).
Jun 2017
International Bank for Economic Co-Operation and RSMB Corporation Signed a Liaison Agreement
On Thursday, June 1, 2017, as part of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2017 the International Bank for Economic Co-Operation (IBEC) and Russian Small and Medium Business Corporation (RSMB Corporation) signed a Liaison Agreement.
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