IBEC is an international financial organization, a multilateral development institution with geographically unique composition of the member countries, which contributes to the development of cross-border trade relations between European and Asian countries, as well as regional risk diversification. A feature of the IBEC that distinguishes it among multilateral development institutions is the ability to perform a settlement function, open and maintain customer accounts both in major world currencies and in the currencies of its member countries.
In the interests of its clients, IBEC has an extensive correspondent network in various countries of the world, including in banks of the IBEC member states.
IBEC provides a wide range of trade finance products to support foreign trade operations. At the same time, the Bank can act as both the importer’s bank and the exporter’s bank, depending on the interests of your bank and your client.
IBEC implements treasury operations in the interests of the Bank and its clients in the global markets and markets of member countries.
  • Investments in bonds
  • Short-term debt obligations
  • Foreign exchange transactions and derivative financial instruments
  • Financial instruments with fixed income
IBEC together with partner banks provides syndicated financing to banks and corporate clients aimed at supporting export-import operations and economies of the IBEC member countries.
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KYC package

IBEC is an international financial organization created and acting in accordance with the intergovernmental agreement on the organization and activities of the IBEC and the Charter of the IBEC dated October 22, 1963, registered with the United Nations Secretariat on August 20, 1964. under No. 7388, with the registered office at the address: Russian Federation, 107996, Moscow, st. Masha Poryvaeva, 11.

The special legal status of IBEC is reflected in the documents for KYC

Credit ratings

International Bank for Economic Co-operation has been assigned credit rating from ACRA rating agency and China Chengxin International Credit Rating Co. Ltd (CCXI).

Current ratings assigned to IBEC:
Rating agency Rating Forecast Date of assignment (changes)
ACRA A-/AAA(RU) Stable/Stable 29/01/2025
CCXI AAA Stable 04/07/2024
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