
New IBEC loans for European trade

In March International Bank for Economic Co-operation has implemented a series of trade finance deals with the Belarusky Narodny Bank (BNB-Bank). New loans in the Belarusian direction ensure geographical diversification of business and growth of foreign trade activity in the area of IBEC presence.

Financing provided in recent transactions are aimed at supporting the import of consumer goods to Belarus from Bulgaria, Poland, Russia, the Czech Republic – Bank’s member states. Funds are provided for up to six months.

The General agreement with BNB-Bank was concluded last summer. Since then BNB-Bank managed to become one of the most stable IBEC partners largely due to the active trading operations of its clients in the area of territorial interests of IBEC.

In the current complicated socio-economic situation affecting the entire European and world economy, trade finance instruments offered by IBEC are contributing to maintaining the economic activity.

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